18th Street Development Corporation
To increase investments in local properties and improve affordable housing preservation.
Active Transportation Alliance
To plan for attendance at a Sunday Parkways conference in Guadalajara.
Active Transportation Alliance
In support of the Go Healthy Bike Program in Logan Square.
Archi-Treasures Association
In support of an Intergenerational Mural.
Association House of Chicago
To establish a partnership with Community of Wellness, a program promoting health to residents.
Beloved Community
To establish a Katrina Fund to help families displaced by the hurricane.
Bethel New Life, Inc.
To support general operations for the Center for Working Families program in Austin.
Beyond the Ball
In support of a winter basketball league.
Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation
In support of B-ball on the block, a youth sports summer league, brought to Humboldt Park in 2007.
Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation
In support of the Safety Mini-grants program.
Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation
To develop a condo homeownership manual for neighborhood residents.
Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation
In support of BickerBikes.