Guiding Questions
In thinking about a potential Big Bet, the Foundation considers the following factors:
Problem or Opportunity
Is it ambitious?
- Ambition: Is this a fundamental problem that affects (or could affect) the flourishing of people and the planet?
Is the goal bold, creative, and strategic?
- Boldness: Does the proposed approach have truly significant implications for people and society?
- Creativity: Are we filling a gap? Is the strategy risky in that it may dissuade others from entering the field? Is it new or emerging?
- Strategy: Does it take advantage of a significant opportunity? Does it leverage others’ actions or resources?
What will it take to achieve the goal?
- Feasibility: What will it take to achieve the goal? What indicators of success exist?
- Confidence: What suggests the strategy can be implemented, and that it can be achieved or contribute successfully? What must be known before proceeding?
- Progress & Learnings: What have we learned about the opportunity during the first two phases?
- Durability: In what ways is this strategy and/or its results sustainable?
Moment in Time
- Why now? Are forces converging?
- Is a window of opportunity opening or closing?
- Are leaders emerging? Is the societal cost of inaction compelling?
As we developed our Big Bet strategies, we designed them to be time-limited. We identified the Big Bet problems, goals, strategies, and desired impacts to contribute to an outcome over a specific period of time.
We considered a series of guiding questions as we were Thinking About a Big Bet.